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M270 - Fixed Assets Management


This Module is aimed at the Administrative and Technical Management of Fixed Assets, highlighting:

  The Registration of Assets and their Legal / Accounting / Tax treatment;

  The Classification of Assets in terms of Organization Units, Buildings and Places, as well as in terms of Accounting;

  Operations with Depreciations / Amortizations, Deductions and Revaluations and their automatic reflexes in accounting;

  Listings of Assets and Operations according to the classification of the assets;

  The registration of Events in General, Transfers and Miscellaneous Values associated with the Assets;

  The inventory of assets along with their operating conditions;

  The Technical Management of Assets integrated with other Modules, such as Equipment, Vehicles, Buildings, / Facilities, Consumption / Stocks and Helpdesk, for the treatment of maintenance, consumables, insurance policies, and support to the use of more complex equipment;

  The Optical Treatment (Bar Codes) of Assets or through RFID;

  The Tracking of assets along with their mapping via Google Maps.


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